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       “The Lord must have a sense of humor to take a shy kid who use to throw up before college speech class and put him in front of people to preach the Gospel. By college training and government service I was a rocket scientist. But I was spiritually dead until I received Jesus Christ as my Savior at the age of 25. Upon moving to Washington D.C., I attended Capital Bible Seminary in the evenings, while working civil service by day. But in 1991 I left government service behind after 17 years, to plant and pastor Grace Community Church. Now my consuming passion is to teach people the Word of God in a way that doesn’t require a person to be a rocket scientist to understand it. If God can use me to spread His Word, then He can use anyone.”

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       “It took a major tragedy in my life to really understand my need for Jesus Christ. I realized my life was filled with sin and pride and many other things of the world. In 2006, I repented of my sins, surrendered my life, and received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Today my wife and I serve the Lord in youth ministry, and it is a blessing to disciple and lead our youth, and do all things to glorify our Lord.”

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